PUC-Rio promotes 28th Environment Week









Meeting promotes reflection on the advances achieved by the inclusion of
social environmental issues in education, research and technological
development since the Global Pact for Sustainable Development from Rio –92 to Rio +30

The Interdisciplinary Center of the Environment at the Pontifical Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro (Nima) will celebrate the 28th Environment Week on June 1st and 2nd with
the theme PUC-Rio + 30. This edition will be hybrid, with virtual lectures and activities
at the Junito Brandão Auditorium, at Gávea. You must sign up beforehand in order to
participate (01/06: https://ecoa.puc-rio.br/xxviii-semana-do-meio-ambiente-da-puc-rio-puc-rio-30-dia-1 02/06: https://ecoa.puc-rio.br/xxviii-semana-do-meio-ambiente-da-puc-rio-puc-rio-30-dia-2 ).          Students of PUC-Rio who attend the two days of the event will earn 6 hours of complementary activities.
The goal of this year’s meeting is to promote a reflection on the advances achieved with
the inclusion of environmental issues in education, research and technological
development throughout the 30 years that mark the global commitment of the UN, as
established in 1992, Rio de Janeiro, in Rio 92. Furthermore, to promote a reflection on
the future perspectives to overcome the challenges for a sustainable development.

Thirty years of commitment to the environment

In 2022 the Conference of the United Nations, Rio 92, turns 30 years old, in which the
concept of sustainable development in a global scale was consolidated. In that moment
a commitment to Agenda 21 was made, a pact of intent between the United Nations to
promote a model of sustainable development.
Twenty years later, also in Rio de Janeiro, the Conference of the United Nations
on Sustainable Development, Rio +20, took place. The meeting had the goal of
renewing the political commitments for a sustainable development and assess the
progress and flaws on the range of the goals proposed in 1992. The Conference resulted
in the Report “The Future We Want”, a document that consolidates goals and outlines
the strategies and scope of action to achieve these goals. Within the operating areas, the
fields of Education and Technological Development appear as pillars to transform the
model of development and to change human behavior.
In order to continue the process of reflection and development of solution for the
sustainable development, the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the City
Hall of the City of Rio de Janeiro are promoting in 2022 celebrative and operative event
to broaden the debate on the 30 years of the commitments settled in this territory, and
also reaffirm the role of Rio de Janeiro as a protagonist of building the future we want.

Check the complete program of the 2022 edition of the Environment Week.

Wednesday (01/06 – Online)
Link to sign up: https://ecoa.puc-rio.br/xxviii-semana-do-meio-ambiente-
10:00 – Opening – Tácio de Campos (NIMA)
Lecture: Pe. Josafá Carlos de Siqueira, SJ, Chancellor
10:30 – Panel 1:
30 years of the global commitment for the sustainable development
To reflect on the Rio Statement under the perspective of the fundamental principles of
environment law, environment and climate justice, from Stockholm 72 to Rio + 30.
Thus, to debate on the importance of education and scientific research in the search for
concrete answers to the challenges of sustainable development.
Moderator: Tácio Mauro Pereira de Campos (NIMA)
Panelists: Fernando Walcacer (NIMA-JUR)
Leticia Lima (JUMA/NIMA)
Sergio Besserman (SDSN Brasil)
11:40 – Debate
11:50 – Closing

Thursday (02/06 – Online)
Link to sign up: https://ecoa.puc-rio.br/xxviii-semana-do-meio-ambiente-da-puc-rio-
10:00 – Opening: Sergio Bruni (Vice-Chancellor of Development)
10:10 – Panel 2:
The progress of the answers to environmental issues in education, research and
development at PUC-Rio
To reflect on the transformation of the higher education curriculum and the technical
scientific demands with the inclusion of sustainability dimensions in professional
education and the demands of society through presenting concrete actions developed at
PUC-Rio, and to promote a reflection on the results achieved and future perspectives.
Moderator: Maria Fernanda Lemos (NIMA)
Panelists: Francisco de Guimaraens – Decanato CCS
Hilton Augusto Koch – Decanato CCBS

Maira Martins – Decanato CTCH
José Marcus de Oliveira Godoy – Decanato CTC
11:30 – Reflections on future perspectives
12:00 – Closing – Tácio de Campos (NIMA)

Thursday (02/06 – IN-PERSON – Junito Brandão Auditorium)
12:50 – Homage to Prof. Luiz Felipe Guanaes Rego
13:40 – Awards: 5th Social Environmental Project Contest in the Campus of PUC-Rio
(Eva Aparecida – CRE)
14:30 – Biophilia in the Campus of PUC-Rio (Henrique Rajão and Roosevelt)

Publicada em 31 de maio de 2022 e está arquivada em Notícias e Eventos.
